Preparing Good Caring for Your Betta Fish

Fish is the kind of animal that become the choice of many people to be their pets. Some people like to see their move, color, and act. For people who like fish, the behavior of this small animal can be the things that decrease any tiring things which have been felt after doing a lot of daily activities. Betta fish can be recommended for any people who like to take care of fish. This kind of fish has beautiful colors and flowing tails that make it looks so good. The maintenance of the caring is also not difficult and relative easy. It can also be called Siamese fighting fish. There is no difficult in preparing the place for them to live comfortable and happy.

Even though betta fish care is relative simple but it does not mean it will not got good maintenance. Its home, water, and food must be considered carefully too. It is not appropriate to put betta fish with another betta fish because they will fight each other and it will cause death. You need to clean uneaten food from the bottom of the bowl because if this rubbish does not clean, it will produce unsanitary environment for the betta fish.

You have also considered about anything related to feed the betta fish, you have to feed the betta fish once in a day, for the betta fish baby, you have to feed them twice a day. They will need two until five minutes for eating, so do not give them any additional feed at that time. You can feed them with dried food because it will be more convenient. The mosquito larvae are the appropriate food for betta fish.